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About Elizabeth

My early years were spent in a small, rural, farming community in northern Illinois. As a child, I had the opportunity to play in the surrounding wooded areas, fields, and along the banks of the Rock River with my brother and sisters. We always became excited at seeing the local wildlife when it actually showed itself (I am sure the critters typically heard the approach of us kids and ran). I would often thumb through picture books and dream of the day that I might see an elk or bison in its natural habitat.


I took a summer job in Yellowstone National Park in 1983 and fell in love with the area. I spent a number of summers working in the park with several more heading to Denali National Park in Alaska. I had a great time observing and trying to photograph the native wildlife in these spectacular areas.





Elizabeth Boehm

I bought my first SLR camera in 1984 and was determined to take good, natural history photographs. I have been to numerous workshops and lectures, having studied under some of the top nature photographers in the country. After shooting with film for years, I switched to digital in 2007 and never looked back. The digital format allows instant feedback which is great for working in the field and improves the learning curve immensely. The years of film use taught me to slow down and really look through my viewfinder, eliminating extra objects, checking my background, and learning proper exposure. At this time, I am able to control the entire process from photographing, optimizing my image, and working out the final print, giving the image my unique perspective.


I have lived in Pinedale, Wyoming for over 20 years and I am an avid birdwatcher and hiker; enjoying the public lands western Wyoming has to offer. My free time is spent hiking/skiing with camera and binoculars, always seeking a new and unique image in my viewfinder.


As I enjoy being in the great outdoors, my images have been taken in natural settings with wild animals.  Although it does not always make for the best images, I consider the ultimate compliment my subject can give me is to fall asleep in front of my camera. I frequently use a variety of photo blinds to hide my presence and capture natural behaviors. I do my best to work ethicly and minimize my intrusion in their lives 


I am an award-winning photographer and have been published in a variety of magazines which include- Audubon, Nature's Best, Wyoming Wildlife, Bugle, Birder's World (Birdwatching Magazine), Nanpa Expressions, along with a variety of natural history books.


Thank you for taking the time to look at my website. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions regarding my photography.

Awards and Achievements

Greater Sage Grouse ©Elizabeth Boehm

2019 Audubon Photography Award

Professional Division-1st Place


Battling for Dominance-

Greater Sage Grouse

4/23/24-New York Times 

Yellowstone’s Wolves: A Debate Over Their Role in the Park’s Ecosystem

Red-winged Blackbird ©Elizabeth Boehm

2017 Wyoming Wildlife Magazine Grand Prize


"Mirror, Mirror"

Red-winged Blackbird

2016-Nature's Best-

Yellowstone Forever


Wild Rose ©Elizabeth Boehm
Bison Calves ©Elizabeth Boehm
Owl and Squirrel ©Elizabeth Boehm

North American Nature Photography 2014 Showcase Competition

Top 10 Images

"The Owl and the Squirrel"

Trumpeter Swan ©Elizabeth Boehm

Wyoming PBS-Wyoming Chronicle
  Birding and the Photography of Elizabeth Boehm 

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© 2022 - 2023 by Elizabeth Boehm

– Rocky Mountain Bird, Nature and Wildlife Photography –

PO Box 2152, Pinedale, WY 82941

  •   307-231-0484   •

Designed by D. Swain Design

The photographs and text on the pages of this website are protected by the Copyright Act.It is illegal to reproduce, copy, or scan these images without the written permission of Elizabeth Boehm Photography.

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